• Best-Selling Author

  • Radio & Podcast Host

  • Creator of Maximum Medicine

Dr. Sharon Martin

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Essential Wellness Magazine

Sharon E. Martin, M.D., Ph.D., graduated from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and is a board-certified physician of Internal Medicine with a doctorate in physiology. She is a graduate of the Healing the Light Body curriculum of the Four Winds Society and the host of two radio shows, Maximum Medicine, and Sacred Magic, aired on the Transformation Talk Radio network. A doctor at a rural health clinic, she lives in Hustontown, Pennsylvania. https://drsharonmartin.com/

OM Times magazine featured cover of Dr. Sharon Martin

OMTimes Magazine

Dr. Sharon Martin holds a doctorate in Physiology and is a certified Medical Doctor specializing in Internal Medicine. Dr. Martin is a certified graduate of the Four Winds Society’s Healing the Light Body curriculum, a premier training program in shamanic energy medicine. Her latest book is Maximize Your Healing Power: Shamanic Healing Techniques to Overcome Your Health Challenges.



In my shamanic training, during our visualizations (journeys), my classmates and I had experiences of seeing and knowing things about the others that we had no way of knowing, at least, from the literal world perspective. Often, these phenomena occurred while we were performing shamanic rituals. In that environment, we accepted the validity of the unseen world.


Maximize Your Healing Power

Shamantic Healing Techniques To Overcome Your Health Challenges

The Road to Healing: Lose Your Story, Lose The Past

When talking about moving forward to healing, one of the most common issues I see with my patients is stuckness.

Bringing Back Indigenous Ways of Healing

As Western medicine became more popular, traditional treatments that had been handed down for generations were cast aside, despite the benefits of some of those approaches.

interviews with doc!

Featured Interview of Maximize Your Healing Power about prioritizing self care

“Prioritizing Self-Care”

Featured Interview with Dawson Church on Healthy Life Net!

Maximize Your Healing Power book promo

“Is it possible to build a bridge between traditional allopathic medicine and spiritual healing practices?”

My interview with Victor on The Voice Fuhrman show!

Headshot of Dr. Sharon Martin in front of tree branches

WAKE UP and choose/ co-create our future

I had a wonderful time talking with Jake Weaver on his podcast Midnight on Earth. We meandered, and sauntered, and even tripped along. We both agree NOW it the time for humans to WAKE UP and choose/ co-create our future. Have a listen!

Maximize Your Healing Power Book Cover

“Amplifying possibilities that elude most of WesternMedicine”

You can listen to my interview with Robin Claire on tributaries radio here!

Maximize Your Healing Power Book Cover

The Magical Mystery Tour Aug 18 2023 Shamanic Healing Techniques With Sharon Martin MD

The Magical Mystery Tour

Photo of The Meaningful Life book cover by Andrew G. Marshall, featured doc martin

The Meaningful Life with Andrew G. Marshall

Dr Sharon Martin: How To Heal Stubborn & Unexplainable Health Problems

Linda Mackenzie healthy life.

Dr Sharon Martin and Linda Mackenzie


Take Control and Maximize Your Healing Power

Thrilled to have been interviewed with Appleknocker Radio, you can listen here!

Maximize Your Healing Power Promo with Photo of Doc Martin

Embraces the Shamanic Way

Check out my interview with Gwilda Wiyaka on MISSION: EVOLUTION Radio Show

Mission Evolution Radio featured interview with Doc Martin about Maximize Your Healing Power

Soul Wanderings

Dr. Sharon Martin

“Maximize Your Healing Power: Shamanic Healing Techniques”

This is a great interview you can listen to on Readers Labyrinth!

Readers Labyrinth featured interview with Doc Martin on Maximize Your Healing Power

Maximize Your Healing Power | Rebel Spirit Radio

This is a great interview you can listen to with Rebel Spirit Radio!

Maximum Healing | In The Light-Growing Your Soul With Ana Isabel

What is the Energy Body and what part does it play in our healing? In this conversation with Dr. Sharon Martin, we discuss how we can enhance our healing potential by understanding more about our energy bodies.

Dr Sharon Martin Integrating Traditional Medicine and Shamanism

Medical intuitive healer Catherine Carrigan interviews Dr. Sharon Martin about how she integrates traditional medicine with shamanism.

In our Mysticast conversation with Dr. Sharon Martin https://drsharonmartin.com we discuss: – Necessity of treating the whole person. – Empowering people to make life changing decisions – Invested interests in holding onto illnesses. – Conditions become integral to the personality.

Highlights: 1) Sharon on blending allopathic medicine with shamanic and energy techniques 2) Bridging the mystical and scientific aspects of healing 3) Maximizing Your Healing Power with the Four A’s 4) How a Mindfulness Matrix enhances the recovery process?

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