Featured Media Photo of Doc Martin and two dogs sitting on a porch

Author of the Best-Selling Book,

“Maximize Your Healing Power”


Dr. Sharon Martin, MD. PhD.


I have had many formative experiences to shift from academic “traditional” medicine to shamanic healing through awareness beyond the basic senses. I had many intuitive moments in childhood as well as predictive dreams and knowledge of past lives. And, I have very close connections to animals and Nature.

I believe that every person has the capacity for greater intuition, to receive messages from the unseen world, and to amplify his/her wisdom. I also believe that the combination of science and the mystical brings a heightened power to the healing and growth of the client.


Awakening in Wisdom

Quantum Mentorship-Coaching

The Key Principles of Ancient Wisdom

  • Vision
  • Clarity
  • Wisdom


Learning The Power Within

Activating the Ancient Power Within

The Key Principles of The Ancient Power Within

  • Intention
  • Expansion
  • Power


Everyday Transformation

The Metaphysical-Science Paradigm

The Key Principles of Everyday Transformation

  • Communication
  • Excellence
  • Transformation

The Learning Journey

Meet Doc Martin

Doc Martin is a Doctor of Internal Medicine and holds a PhD in Physiology, having trained at Johns Hopkins University and other elite medical institutions. She expanded her capacity as a healer by training in the shamanic, mystery traditions with Alberto Villoldo, Jean Houston, Carl Greer, Lilydale Assembly, The Cayce Foundation (A.R.E.), Patrice Fields, CC Treadway and others. Doc Martin will help you step into your full potential, in physical, emotional and spiritual realms, by calling into play practices that are both time-tested and broad in their nature.

Doc Martin Maximum Medicine
doc martin healing hour photo of open hands holding light with the word healing displayed prominently

The Healing Journey

Partnering for Well-Being

Training in the mystery traditions has opened my awareness to the expansive nature of healing. The future of true medicine is the understanding and use of vibrational and energy techniques – that call forth the inherent ability of the human body to heal and restore. I have trained with many masters and pull forth a combination of approaches from the ancient ways to the modern scientific to guide the client to full-on living.

  • Graduate of Healing Light Body Course, The Four Winds, Dr Alberto Villoldo
  • Advanced master courses, The Four Winds Society
  • Shamanic energy training with Carl Greer

  • Certification Past Life Hypnosis Regression, ARE Cayce Foundation
  • Advanced Channeling and Divination, CC Treadway
  • Certified Hypnotherapist & Past Life Regressionist

The Scientist

Meet Doc Martin

Doc Martin’s schooling began in traditional ways – with a graduate degree in Physiology and a medical degree in Internal Medicine.

  • PhD degree, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda Maryland
  • Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of California, San Diego California
  • Assistant Professor of Medicine and Physiology, Emory University, Atlanta Georgia
  • Recipient of grant awards from American Heart Association, National Institute of Health
  • Physician, Rural Clinic, Southern Huntingdon County, Orbisonia Pennsylvania

about doc martin - photo of jellyfish swimming against a dark background
about doc martin - photo of an open book full of greenery and butterflies. A tree grows out of light from the center of the book

The Mentoring Journey

Knowledge Sharing and Transfer

My journey has gifted me with many mentors, teachers, and spirit guides. This has enabled me to give back what I’ve learned, sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly but all times in deep gratitude. My teaching and mentoring gifts to you are just for you.

  • Taught shamanic workshop at Lily Dale Spiritualist Society

  • Training in Tarot Card Reading, Lily dale Spiritualist Society, Sharon Klingler

  • Intuitive training and energy healing, CC Treadway

  • Distinguished teaching award, Emory University, Atlanta Georgia
  • Lead teacher in Physiology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta Georgia
  • Preceptor for medical, pre-med, nurse practitioner and physician assistant students

We need to expand our consciousness, deepen our respect for Earth, and dream bigger in order to not only survive but thrive.  It is my soul’s mission to awaken that deeper purpose and heighten my capacity as human; and to help others do the same. Through…

…Creativity, Integrity & Healing








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