
Dr. Sharon Martin created the…

Maximum Medicine Method

…as a platform to integrate methods and techniques from east, west, and beyond.

Maximum Medicine



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Most physicians and healers look at people from the physical when our health falters. Thus, it is rare to find someone like Doc Martin who lives with one foot in the traditional academic world and the other one in the world of energy and vibrational medicine. Consider the years of study in the medical profession and then all the training to be done in the arena of energy medicine – Doc Martin has done this. Then she helps people to overcome their challenges – health and otherwise; and, teaches others to be guides as well.

This bridging of the scientific and mystical is the new narrative on wellness. This is The MAXIMUM MEDICINE Model of Wellness.

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Book Dr. Sharon Martin, MD. PhD. Keynote Speaker Retreats and Seminars

Are you ready to bring Science and physics to create a High Performance Organization?  Doc Martin can help!

Transform Stress into Strength

Imagine a team that uses stress for strength

The Person-Performance Work Paradox

High Performance is an inside job

Permission to Heal

This Best-Selling Author Breaks the Mold on Healing


To access deeper understandings of your human journey and to step into your ability for full-on living, Dr Sharon Martin has created a matrix for learning. The learning program is multifactorial, deep, and broad. As you step into the progressive program, you will undergo the teachings from a shamanic perspective, and from the viewpoint of multidimensionality. We are living in troubled times; times which call for each of us to dive deeper. As we dive deeper, we call forth our unique magnificence to bring into play for the evolution of ourselves, all humans, and the Earth. The Maximum Medicine Matrix program does just this – guiding you on a path, both experiential and didactic, to regain and practice our full-on capacities.


Amplifying your perspective, seeing beyond your usual windows. Traveling with your awareness to different realms, different destinies to gain knowledge and insight. Insight to the cellular level, knowing how to steer your biochemical processes toward health. Tapping into the celestial realms for soul guidance.


The straight arrow of your wish, pinning directly onto the target of your desire. Fueled by your life force, absent of any wishy-washy component. In the physical realm, intention sends specific signals to your body organism to move in the direction you choose. Intention’s arrow is amplified by the input from the Divine.


Stating clearly your line in the sand, matching up the inside of you to what is shown to others, using your words to lead, unite, and inspire. Working in concert with (talking to and listening to) the biochemistry, DNA, and components of your body. Listening to the voices of Higher Self, illumined beings, Nature forces and joining up with them.


Crystal clear knowing, ability to discern, words without error of meaning. Your energy field when light has shone on the shadows, when hidden agendas have floated to the surface. The flow of life force unimpeded through your Human organism. A view to the domains of the Divine, seeing the messages without opacity.


The bigger You in your abilities, your energy field, your control over your destiny. A significant knowing of your life and its purpose. An organic awareness of your health, augmented in considerable ways. An awareness of the ever-lasting part of you, the ethereal and infinite.


The most amazing You in your creativity, your influence, your physicality. Your life force, life energy and life actions in major brilliance. Finding your capacities as downloads from Spirit.


Operating from the pinnacle of knowledge. Making smart, informed decisions coming from a cohesive body, mind, spirit. In health, wisdom is knowing what serves you and what doesn’t, how to shift even down to the molecular level. Wisdom is the angels’ whispers in your ear, magnifying the accuracy of your choices.


The full force of you, your soul, your essence coming forward unhampered by conditions around you. Power is magnified when your energy field is in alignment, and life force flows unimpeded. In health, a powerful life force clears through any challenges, calling forth the deepest levels of healing. When joining up with the unseen world, power is limitless.


Outcome of deep personal work, usually involving exploration and study in the dimensions of mind, body, and spirit. Alchemical shifts occur when alignments are made in the very nature of an organism. Metamorphosis can happen within the biologic and in the ethers, changing the trajectory of one’s life.


Enter the journey! Developing the skill, knowledge or perception of a your life as a whole but mostly the specific situations, life events, or transitions, provides a road map for the destination of your choice. You will develop a vigilance in observing or alertness in drawing inferences from what you are experiencing and learn the tools for and inspire you to visualize your ideal future. Doc Martin will take you from where you are to where you need to be.

Dr. Sharon Martin Maximum Medicine Allow Waterfall


When we sit in quiet contemplation, the voices of our Higher Selves, or the Divine, come through. Those whispers carry the fuel of inspiration.  Allow yourself to be Inspired.  Doc Martin guides and teaches you about amplifying the space for Allowing.

Dr. Sharon Martin Maximum Medicine Allow Waterfall


Your genius is meant to be brought forth into the world. Doc Martin teaches you to activate the mechanisms, tempo, structure, and movement of your natural abilities.



The fuel of inspiration fires the creative cauldron within. Ideas crystallize into form, and our wishes become tangible plans. Through vibrational and metaphysical techniques, Doc Martin magnifies your Fire Within; your creative genius is unleashed.

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Through energetic and vibrational processes, Doc Martin helps you to gain greater cooperation and interaction of all your capacities. In this way, your effectiveness in the world is greatly increased.

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You are only a click away from your best!

Where Science Meets Spirituality