

As a shamanic energy healer and allopathic physician, Sharon guides you to your Maximum…

calling on all aspects of your healed Self to step forward into FULL potential.

Explore Doc Martin’s full range of services.

Book Dr. Sharon Martin, MD. PhD. Keynote Speaker Retreats and Seminars

Are you ready to bring Science and physics to create a High Performance Organization?  Doc Martin can help!

Transform Stress into Strength

Imagine a team that uses stress for strength

The Person-Performance Work Paradox

High Performance is an inside job

Permission to Heal

This Best-Selling Author Breaks the Mold on Healing

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My Work is My Passion…

“My first loves were and are the creatures of our Earth – two legged, four legged, finned and furred.  My schooling began in traditional ways – graduate degree in Physiology, medical degree in Internal Medicine.  I grew to understand that we are at a choice point in our evolution as humans.  I then began studying alternative healing, energy medicine, and the esoteric.  We need to expand our consciousness, deepen our respect for Earth, and dream bigger in order to not only survive but thrive.  It is my soul’s mission to awaken that deeper purpose and heighten my capacity as human; and to help others do the same.”

photo of a deer in a field of purple flowers, doc martin energy healing services page

Our Passion is Our Pathway…

“Any authentic energy healer I know or have read about is deeply connected to the natural world, its rhythms, its multitude of flora, fauna, forms. The “linking up” with the unseen, Universal Source, is essential to gain access to a larger wisdom. Most if not all healers believe in a Force greater than the Human Self. We call this many things: The Higher Self, Universe, Source, God, The Field, etc. .”




As a physician and shamanic healer, Sharon offers a unique ability to guide you through these challenges. She blends the worlds of traditional Western medicine with the mystical ancient teachings. With this holistic approach, we can look beyond what appear to be significant limitations to shift your destiny and call in a more vibrant life. Your work with Sharon can unlock the challenges facing you, and to find ways to move forward.


Ready to Heal ALL Present and Past Wounds-Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual?

Medical/Intuitive Healer bridging science and spirituality for modern day healing.

Medical/Intuitive practitioner who brings the power of the seen and unseen worlds to shift disease, maximize health, and call in a new blueprint for an improved destiny.

  • Shamanic healing in many cultures, works to clear this energy field, remove debris that is attached and restore high vibrational energy.
  • Individual Personalized Healing and Stone Reading.
  • Luminous Energy Field Session.
  • The Fire Within Sessions for igniting your passion.
  • Past Life to Future Session.


Ready to uplevel all aspects of your life, NOW?

Maximum Medicine - Guiding, Learning, & Activating

Ground in fully, owning your essence and talents.

Our goal is to reset and stabilize your energy body and physical well being for optimal and maximum health.

  • Coaching and mentoring, you can break through these barriers with a working plan focused on exactly what you want to achieve beginning right now!
  • Lift up into expanded capacity as Doc Martin blends the worlds of traditional Western medicine with the mystical ancient teachings.
  • Doc Martin analyzes the current situations and creates visionary plans for your new success in life.


Ready to become a better leader and grow your business?

Vision amplifying, and expanded potential.

The true meaning of consulting is helping people solve problems and move from their current state to their desired state.

  • Light up your presence and talents and gifts at all levels of the company.
  • Sear away biologic and energetic imprints that hold you back.
  • Holistically helping people solve problems and achieve results-The Maximum Way.


Ready to Transform Your Knowledge?

Medical, scientific, and esoteric training

The “linking up” with the unseen, Universal Source, is essential to gain access to a larger wisdom.

  • Learn how to eliminate stress and burnout. Optimize performance with Dr. Sharon Martin, MD. PhD.
  • Curricula and syllabi in a variety of medical, scientific, and esoteric trainings.
  • Maximize the flow of your ongoing good health.

To be the Maximum You, Dr Martin provides a number of approaches.  Through individual clearing, healing, and energy processes you can soar into the fullness of You.  We will work one on one in individual sessions or you may choose to enter a course of study with Doc Martin – the University for Maximum Life Force.



The Laika (Medicine People of the Light, Medicine People of the Andes) taught that all injuries (psychic and physical) reside in the tapestry of our field. Including those from past lives. Shamanic healing in many cultures, works to clear this energy field, remove debris that is attached and restore high vibration energy. The Medicine Master taps into higher universal energy and attunes the client to that energy. As your field is cleared, your physicality is informed and improved by this new energy state.

  • You have complete control over your energy field
  • Spiritual Law teaches that you can command that your field is free of interference and it is so.

  • This control, for most of we humans, is something that we have to re learn, to shed the doubts.




Traditional physicians rely on the “art” of medicine – something that has not easily been quantified. Many physicians are very intuitive yet that is not a quality that is recognized nor rewarded in traditional medicine. A patient’s outcome is closely tied to the initial observation and “gut” feeling of the physician, even before the physician has studied the medical chart. And, alternately, so many times, we are quick to denigrate and dismiss traditional medicine. The Maximum Medicine Way is to pull from both valuable arenas; in this way a truly comprehensive plan can be formulated.

  • We were, thousands of years ago, able to command our fields, able to call in energies of the universe for our benefit.
  • Awareness and intention are the keys to regaining command of our fields.

  • My work with you will include gaining awareness of and control over your energy field, and in that heightened synchronization, guide you to full-on living.

Doc Martin is available to coach you and your organization into fuller expanded capacities. She will lead your team and teach them higher processes such as shamanic journeying, visioning exercises, and team building. In this way, your team gains coherence, improved insight, and maximizes its competence and effectiveness. With Doc Martin, your corporate community steps into the future – a future of Maximum Potential.



Understanding your energy field, and how it is impacted, is one of the deepest and key concepts to master. When your awareness has heightened, your perspective expands, and you are able to “see” the future and align yourself with it.

  • You have complete control over your destiny.
  • You can side step obstacles, adapt to changes in the external world.
  • You become the Master of your journey, living in MAXIMUM capacity.
  • This capacity is integral to human existence; I will teach you how to get back in the flow.
altar energy healing stones - photo of candles lit in a stone altar
photo of stone steps near trees nature-energy



A clear, enlightened and aware person or organization naturally taps into universal insight and wisdom. When stagnation of internal and external processes is relieved, forward motion is fluid and easy. Shamans, throughout time, have seen where systems break down and guided their tribe to improved conditions.

  • As your guide, I will help you see where you or your organization is stuttering or actually breaking down.
  • I will teach you how to access a deeper knowledge and intuition; to know how to move forward into full-on production and accomplishment.
  • Together, we will identify the inertia and capture vitality again.



With dedication and commitment, one can grow in experience and achieve excellence. Knowing what to focus on and what to learn is often the question. Teachers, therefore, provide essential guidance in both sharing their foundation of knowledge and assisting in gaining new knowledge.

  • When you acquire and carry the knowledge, you are sought after to provide direction.
  • You can provide direction for yourself on your personal journey or to others in your organization or community.
  • I will share my insight and wisdom, supporting you in your growth to the level of sage or wisdom keeper.
Client Meeting business energy
Office Workers



Without new input, our lives can go on in the grooves and ruts that were already traveled. Inspiration can come from many sources. From within, from a higher intelligence, or from seeing from a new perspective. Listening to new information or information presented in a unique way can wake us up and call forth a new journey or a more maximal life path.

  • When we open our field of awareness, new insights come pouring in.
  • Trying a new path not only jumps us out of the rut, but also allows a broader view, with heightened insights.
  • I offer a new and different way of approaching life. When I share these novel attitudes with you, a potential for expansion into a fuller, Maximum expression of You is created.


Are you ready to dig in and build new learning into your life?  You can learn in multiple stages, about energy medicine and techniques, about shamanic ideals that can amplify your life.  Now is the time to truly become the author of your blueprint, the cocreator of your destiny.

I have designed a program within which you can have a taste of shamanic energy medicine in one or more separate sessions.  Each individual session introduces you to an aspect of Earth’s mysteries and energies.  Or, if you want to dive deeper, you may train with me to understand and work with energy, in the style of shamanic processes.  You can build your knowledge and mastery moving up Levels, working your way to being a Master of Maximum Life.  Each Level is dependent on what has come before – you will learn both understanding and working with universal energies and forces, as well as how to perform shamanic techniques.

Level 1 – Apprentice

Level 1 (Apprentice) trains you in understanding energy and shifting your perspective to see from a broader position.  You will begin to build your intuition through Tarot card and Stone readings.  In this initiation to Earth energies, you will also start to meet and develop relationships with energetic forces, such as power animals.  A key learning for a true energetic practitioner is to maintain gratitude and correct relationship (ayni); a basic practice for this maintenance is the Despacho (gifting) ceremony.  You will also learn the basic energetic clearing process – the Illumination.  You will leave this training with a solid foundation in energy work, with its ethics and proper relationships to the unseen world.

Tarot Card Readings

Despacho Ceremony

Stone Readings

Assemblage Point


Power Animal

Level 2 – Novitiate

Level 2 (Novitiate) steps deeper into energy work.  Here you will continue with your intuitive skills and awarenesses. Now you will learn to take shamanic journeys to understand the subconscious underpinnings of your patterns and those of your clients.  You will learn the integral ceremony, the fire ceremony – the shaman’s doorway into communication with the unseen world.  On this level, the next important energy technique is that of the extraction, how a shaman clears and resets an energy field.  You will be gifted with Bands of Protection, and learn how to install those on others.  You will begin dialogue and relationship building with the dragons who are the primal forces and guardians of the Earth.  You will leave this training with an elevated mastery of living energy, having learned how to move those energetics and command assistance from unseen beings and helpers.

Fire Ceremony

Lower World Journey


Bands of Protection

Conversations with the Dragons

Level 3 – Light Bearer

Level 3 (Light Bearer) teaches an elevated capacity for divination, for yourself and your clients.  You will journey to the realms of the ancestors and to the Upper World, where these celestial guardians hold valuable information.  This level brings with it sophisticated and nuanced approaches to linking up with other worldly helpers, in order to gain their alliance and assistance in your energy work.  In this level, you develop close interactions with the Nature Spirits.  You will leave this training with a contingent of Allies and increased ability to discern and restructure the patterns of the forces that move within yourself and your clients.

Communing with the Ancestors

Linking up with the Nature Devas

Upper World Journey


Level 4 – Master

Level 4 (Master) is deeper still.  Here you will have gained enough mastery of basic energetic techniques to perform Soul Retrieval, and to direct the release of the holds past lives have on you or your client.  You will be taught how to conduct a past life regression, unlocking secrets of imprints that have been at play in how you move forward in life.  By uncovering these secrets and holds, you are able to shift your (and your client’s) destiny line and have a future unencumbered by hidden agendas.  You are truly a master of energetics and Maximum Life, with capacity to cocreate your future.

Past Life Regression

Releasing the Hold of Past Lives

Soul Retrieval

Course Correction through Dream Time

CERTIFICATION – Multiverse Initiation, Acceleration, Confirmation

Dr. Sharon Martin, MD. has created the most comprehensive integration of science, metaphysics, and spirituality of our time. Maximum Medicine is both futuristic and practical for everyone who seeks a maximally abundant life.

Dr. Pat Baccili, Transformation Talk Radio

You are only a click aware from your best!

Call Now – 833-940-1882

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